All kind of Fitness solutions for you

Personal Counselling

Personal Counselling Includes Detailed One On One Discussion In Privacy On Mind & Body Fitness With Lifestyle Changes To Customize The Workout And Diet Program.

Personal Training

Personal Training Includes One On One Workout Sessions As Per The Customized Workout Plan With Day To Day Fitness Review.

Obesity/Weight-Fat Loss Program

Detailed Body Analysis And Workout Plan Aimed For Customized Weight Loss Program

PCOS/ Pre-Menopause Solutions

Specialization In Women Fitness, We Have Result Oriented Workout & Diet Program Considering The Hormonal Changes And Mood Swing During Menopause & Pregnancy.

Live Online Workout Sessions

Kvitafitness Have Been Conducting Live Online Workout Sessions As Per The Time & Place Comfort Of Both Working & Home Makers.

Motivational Mentorship

Fitness Mentor Plays Important Role To Keep Motivating Oneself For Practicing Regular & Continuous Fitness Workouts & Regular Fitness Review For Time Bound Achievement Of Fitness Objectives.

Strength Training & Body Toning

Kvitafitness Has Customized And Most Suitable Strength Training Program For Body Toning, Tightening & Greater Immunity.

Personal Diet Consultancy

Kvitafitness Provides Personal Customized Diet Plan Both Veg & Non-Veg With Weekly Review Based On Clients Kitchens Only.

Depression/Hi- Low BP Workouts

Healthy Body Contains Healthy Mind. Our All The Workout Programs Are Directed To Release Of Feel Good Hormone To Remove The Depressions And Controls The Blood Pressure.